Types of Milking Systems in Dairy Farming

Milking system loaded for transport on a flatbed trailer
October 7, 2021 William Thomas 0 Comments

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Types of Milking Systems in Dairy Farming

Thanks to the introduction of new technologies, farmers no longer need to sit on a stool and milk one cow at a time. Dairy farmers now use machines, robots, and efficient systems to carry out mass milking quickly and efficiently. Farmers often  transport milking equipment, whether new or used, with the help of a hauling company like Tractor Transport.

Types of Milking Systems Most Commonly Transported

Dairy farms have a place where milking happens, and it’s called a parlor. A milking parlor is where a large group of cows are milked at once. Parlors can be large rooms, specific factories, warehouses or just structures comfortable to the milker and, of course, the cow. Milking parlors come in different shapes and sizes. Below are the four main designs


Cattle in a parallel parlor stand side by side for milking. The milker accesses the udder through the animal’s rear end. Every cow has to stand in its stall for milking to begin. Once the milker is done, they are released from the parlor at the same time. Milking typically does not go past ten minutes.


Tandem parlor designs are similar to tandem bikes. The cattle are arranged in series in a nose-to-tail formation. The milker accesses the cow’s udder from the side. Like in parallel parlors, the cows can be released one at a time because each parlor has its door. If one cow is slow, the other cattle do not have to wait for her.


In rotary parlors, the milking stalls are arranged in a circle on a platform that rotates. Instead of the milker walking around the parlor to attach the milking equipment on each udder, each cow goes to the milker.


In a robotic milking parlor, robots are used to milk cows. The robots are programmed to do so based on certain factors. A robotic parlor, for example, can be programmed to milk some cows more than others. The machines connect to a cow’s specific teat, extract the necessary milk, and release the teat automatically when done. Cows that are milked by robots usually have a transponder around their necks with a code for identification.

Factors to Consider Before Installing a Milking System Once Delivered

Milking system loaded for transport on a flatbed trailer

Several factors determine the milking systems a dairy farmer might need. A dairy farmer who has several cattle and milks them more than thrice a day, for example, needs different milking systems from one who only has a few cows that are milked once a day. Other factors that come into play when determining the type of milking system include the cost of the machines and the farmer’s personal preference.

Before you decide to install a milking system, you need to consider the following:

The Number of Cows You Have

Milking machines are an excellent and economical option for dairy farmers with large herds. If you only have one cow, installing a milking machine may not be a good idea.

The Cost and Quality of Manual Labor

If you are from a region where the cost of manual labor is high, automating your milking process will go a long way in saving you labor expenses. You, however, need to consider the long-term benefits of installing milking systems. It might be expensive but cost-effective in the long term. Also, compare the quality and quantity of milk that you may get in both cases.

Level of Milk Production

If your herd’s yields are low, installing milking machines may not be justifiable.

Is It Kind to Animals?

You don’t won’t to install a milking machine that inflicts pain and discomfort on your cows. In any case, they won’t yield much.

Availability of Spares and Service

Support If certain parts are not easily replaced in case they break down, it may cost more in time and effort to keep the machinery running smoothly.


Benefits of Using Milking Systems in Dairy Farming

Dairy farmers enjoy numerous benefits with the use of milking machinery. Below are some of them:

      • Milking machines make it easy for dairy farmers to do mass milking, saving them on labor expenses. If a large dairy farm was to employ the traditional milking methods, it could require several employees to function properly.
      • They reduce the farm’s dependency on workers. The milk production and sales are not much affected like they could on a traditional farm if workers leave.
      • Milking systems instill a routine that reduces the stress on the cows. Less stressed cows are healthier and produce better milk quality.
      • With milking systems in place, rearing a large herd is easier. A larger herd means more milk production, thus more profits.
      • Milking systems make milking easy and fast.

Transporting Milking Machinery with Tractor Transport

Dairy Tractor Transport has been shipping milking machinery and other dairy farm equipment for over a decade. We find the best driver, the proper trailer, and more to ship your milking machinery. Find out how we can help today!